On our Halloween show last week, we had a medium on the program to talk about what its like to converse with angelic spirits. Of course, since I totally believe in that stuff to begin with, it made conversing with Steffany Barton a piece of cake.
Barton is a former nurse who realized several years ago she could communicate with souls that have passed. She now runs a company called Angels Insight … and uses her otherworldly skills to the best of her ability.
I got the chance to chat with her briefly before the show and within 10 seconds of meeting me mentioned that my Grandma Mackie had been coming through loud and clear the last few days. I was positively stunned. While my sweet Nana Mack and I were tight, she was always rather low-key and pleasantly subdued. Who knew she’d create so much fuss trying to touch base with me?
I met with Barton today for what I call a “big-boy reading” … and the results were nothing less than miraculous. Seems my grandma had a lot to say and then some.
A couple days ago, I walked outside to notice that a huge bloom had opened up on my rose bush. (Keep in mind, we’ve had several hard freezes in the past couple weeks.) I took time to stop and admire it. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Barton told me, out of the blue sky, that my grandmother had a thing for flowers, specifically roses. When I told her about what had transpired the day before, she told me roses were just a sign that grandma is always nearby. “This is just a way your grandmother honors you,” Barton said.
The roses had a double meaning, the medium told me. Grandma reminded me that it’s okay to slow down once and awhile, since I’m forever on the go. I needed to take some me time … time to, you guessed it, stop and smell the roses.
My eyes welled up a bit … because the whole thing was so surreal and unexpected. Not only did I have goosebumps, the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention.
Turns out my dear Grandma Mackie has been my guardian angel since she passed away. She took care of me during my stroke. She’s been guiding my career along. She comes along on all my trips with me. (Girlfriend apparently LOVES to travel.) And, the best part — she couldn’t be more proud of who I’ve become.
The medium explained that my aura radiates a wildly green hue … sending off a healthy, nurturing vibe to everyone in my wheelhouse. (Yes, if you’re content … it’s because of the glowing green orb around my essence. You’re welcome.) The Archangel Raphael and I are apparently besties too. He just so happens to be the angel of healing and consecration. Go figure.
And in case you were wondering, I had some interesting previous lives. I was a wealthy man of stature and prominence who was murdered by eating some poisoned fruit. (Yes, very Snow White if you ask me.) And I was a hard-working salt mine grunt that worked hard his entire life to provide for his family. (That would explain my work ethic and need to avoid confined spaces.) And I was a semi-talented musician … some sort of minstrel.
If you ever get within ten feet of Steffany, chances are she’ll probably pick up something from the other side. She’s dialed in. And she’s amazing. Grandma Mack had her number and gave her a jingle. I guess it’s true what they say, every time a phone rings … an angel gets their wings. Oh wait …