Bonnie Hunt

Every time you hear Bonnie Hunt’s name mentioned, it’s usually in reference to what a wonderful talk show guest she is. Letterman loves her. Leno loves her. So it should come as no surprise that Bonnie Hunt now has her OWN talk show. It’s light-hearted and irreverent, kinda like her. Somewhere between “The Green Mile” and her new talk show (the aptly named “The Bonnie Hunt Show”), she starred in several sitcoms. Yes, really. Blink and you missed them. I don’t think America was ready for her high-brow humor and they were subsequently shelved. Here’s the funny thing … in real life … she isn’t funny at all. (Well, at least not during my interview.) In fact, she acted downright annoyed at my questions. There was a lot of unnecessary eye-rolling and looks of disdain. I tried to get her to reenact that scene from “Dave” where she was a White House tour guide. (“And we’re walking … we’re walking …“) She flat out refused. Oh well, even geniuses of improv can occasionally have an off day … or in Bonnie’s case, clearly needed a day off.

2 thoughts on “Bonnie Hunt

  1. I have to say this was a little disheartening. I love Bonnie Hunt…her quick wit humor, or at least the humor she apparently musters up for the camera. Oh well. Maybe she just needed a good nap.

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