I’ve had about a week to digest meeting Jimmy Fallon last Monday. I drove approximately nine hours to do a nine-minute interview with him in St. Louis. It was worth every miserable second on I-70, which, I swear, might be the most mind-numbingly boring interstate ever in the history of roads.
When I got to the station, I was early. Like an hour early. Happens. Jimmy Fallon, meanwhile, was running late, so it was the perfect excuse to call my friend Chris Burbach to take me out to lunch to calm my jangled nerves. We kibitzed over pulled pork sandwiches and lemonade. At some point in the conversation, Chris mentioned the elephant in the room … the fact that I have the best job known to man.
When I got back to the station, Jimmy was getting his make-up done, but there was lots of kinetic, frenetic energy inside the walls of KSDK. I’m sure that station has seen its share of big-named stars parade through, but none of ‘em were probably as congenial as Jimmy.
Now, if I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s to watch every move a celeb’s publicist makes. If they’re cool, the interview will go swimmingly. If they’re a shrew, you’re doomed. Of course, Fallon’s handlers were the epitome of calm, cool collectedness. Jovial, but not too jovial. Subdued, but not too subdued. You get the idea.
Jimmy had a couple other interviews before me. So I watched him do his zany bits of improv and banter with the other anchors. Next up was my turn. Before I even sat down, Jimmy asked me if I was wearing JCrew. (I was.) We exchanged pleasantries and goofy compliments before I was reminded I was on a time schedule.
“So … Tonight Show. No pressure, right?” were the first words out of my mouth.
And the interview was off and rolling. For nine minutes, I got genuine answers that resonated with everyone in the room. He’s giddy with nervous energy over getting The Tonight Show gig in February. The thing that makes Jimmy Fallon so imminently likeable is that he is, well, imminently likeable. Despite the obscenely expensive suit he was wearing, he’s like your loveable kid brother (with a really good stylist).
When I asked if he was planning on taking over the world before he turned 40 next year … he laughed. Part of me thinks he wanted to answer a resounding YES, but the humble part of him just brushed off my compliment.
Weirdly enough, I’m big when it comes to scents. How people smell fascinates me. (Strange quirk, I know.) I could tell you which star smelled like patchouli or which celeb reeked of a bonfire. Oddly, Jimmy was completely scent-free. No hint of cologne. No wafting of a random hair care product. I didn’t even detect a breath mint or whiff of a fabric softener sheet. I’m not exactly sure what that means … but it is note worthy.
One of the highlights of our interview is when someone’s cell phone started blaring in the middle of our chat. We’re talking the world’s loudest, most obnoxious ring ever … that went on for, like, ten seconds before the phone’s hearing-impaired owner opted to answer it. What was the ring you ask? “Taking Care Of Business”. (A really bad ring-tone version of the song too.)
It was appropriate because my next question was about the TV business. Turns out Jimmy is having the time of his life doing what he’s doing. His energy and life force is palpable in real life … and it leaps from the TV set into your living room.
You’ll note the gigantic smile on my face in the picture. That smile says, “I Heart Jimmy Fallon”. One quick scan around the room after my interview and every single person in the studio had the exact same expression … as does much of America.
For once, it’s refreshing to see the nice guy finish first.
I too am a Fallon fan. So glad, but not surprised, to hear he is genuine and humble. Thanks for the good read Michael. Next time you go meet up with your friend let me know, I’d be more than happy to give you a lift! 🙂