Given that I’ve only been on television for a few months, I’m still not used to being randomly recognized. Whenever people walk up to me and strike up a conversation, I naturally assume it’s because they’ve been in one of my various fitness classes over the years.
The general public at any given gym is way more unforgiving than the general viewing public. In the not so distant past, a woman with badly frosted hair and an Olivia Newton-John headband informed me that she “found me offensive and rude.” She continued, “And could you please refrain from using inappropriate language or making fun of class members?” (I may have paraphrased slightly … as I was so mesmerized that time stopped for her during Reagan’s first term in office.)
It was the most single boring exercise class I’ve ever taught. Ever. One can only hope that she finds her bliss at a nearby Jazzercise studio, where instructors still say things like “feel the burn” and “when in doubt, sweat it out, ladies”.
At the gym, everybody is a critic. They really need not be as we’re all there for the same purpose — to simultaneously get fit and feel better. I’ve seen mean mommies ascend on a new gal in class like a pack of marauding hyenas. They are hypercritical of her workout ensemble, her ridiculously cute husband and, of course, her strength and dexterity in class. I have thick skin, so I’m unfazed by the various barbs hurled my way. Even though Miss Boca Roton 1982 felt the need to chastise me, I did not let her tirade affect my juju. Lord knows I could have let her have it — since I was wearing a microphone that projected my voice through two studios. But then I would have been stooping to mean mommy level.
I equate being on TV to being up in front of people at the gym …. you either like me or you don’t. If you adore me, swell. If I’m not you’re cup of tea, that’s fine too. Props. You’re welcome to your opinion. But if you choose to go out of your way to be an insufferable sod to anyone, then there have to be consequences for that.
And as soon as I’m done being ridiculously content with my life, I’ll let you know what those are. See you at the gym!