I recently Google’d myself. (Every time I read that it makes me giggle because it sounds dirty.)
Boy, it’s amazing what dirt you can turn up on yourself courtesy of the World Wide Web.
Of course, if you type in my name … the first thing that pops up will be this blog entry. That’s due solely to my company’s behind-the-scenes Search Engine Optimization dudes – who are worth every penny!
But – come to find out – there are about a bazillion other Michael Mackies out there – each of ‘em with amazingly different stories. (Albeit none of ‘em have hair as good as mine.)
In real life, I’m an Emmy-award winning Writer/Producer. But I’m also a wrestler at Cornell. I’m the owner of a custom surfboards business. I’m a firefighter in Pennsylvania. I’m a well-known hay exporter. And I’m currently fighting a case in the Texas Supreme Court.
Whew. I’m tired already.
But here’s something nifty that I did not know … I’m a world record holder. No, seriously. Yours truly (and not one of my evil twins) is poised to be documented in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Two years ago, I invited myself to go to a humor writing festival in Dayton, Ohio. Writers from all over the world showed up to attend this conference (honoring the late Erma Bombeck). Most of the writers participated in a goofy Mad-Lib exercise. Well, it turns out I (along with 199 of my fellow witty brethren) managed to write the World’s Longest Mad-Lib. Guinness here we come! I had no idea! Without Google, I probably would have gone to my grave without knowing that little slice of trivia about myself.
So to all those other Mick Mackie’s, Mike Mackie’s and Mickey Mackie’s out there … (including the famed Australian marine doctor, the Canadian curling champion, and the one who has an online Will and Grace fansite) … I give you a shout out and tell you to go Google yourself. (Snicker.) You’ll quickly find we’re not only quite popular … but in some cases renowned.
Well hello lovely! I googled you looking for, well, YOU and here’s what turned up in my search results: #1 Michael Mackie on GoDucks.com (definitely not you); #2 Michael Mackie, Vain, Effervescent, Articulate, Fancy, Limber. Yep, that’s my guy! Damn, you are freakin’ hilarious. Hil-ar-ee-us!!
I missed your blog for a while, glad you’re back. I will, with a bit of embarrassment, give you a link to my blog, where I am not at all witty (by comparison) and where I’ve been very silent for a long time. Old stuff’s not too bad though.