Headstrong Head Songs

musicalnotes1For as long as I can remember, I’ve gotten up between 5-5:30 to pee.  Even if I’ve spent the previous day roaming around the Sahara, I still have an overwhelming urge to get up and whizz.  And every morning, there’s a song rattling around in my brain.  The split second I come out of my groggy sleep-induced haze, I hear the song as clear as if I were wearing my iBuds.

I can’t turn it off.  I can’t adjust the volume.  It’s just there.  It’s loud.  It’s usually grating.  And it’s always by the original artist.  (If I had the karaoke version or Muzak-version trapped in my head, I would have offed myself years ago.)

Because I clearly don’t have enough stuff to write about, I’ve kept a running tally of a week’s worth of songs … 1) for your enjoyment and 2) because it gives my therapist something to psychoanalyze.

eurythmicsAugust 3rd …. “There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart), Eurythmics.   The thing that pissed me off about this song is that I usually get to sleep in a bit on Mondays … or at a minimum, go BACK to sleep.  Nope, Annie Lennox was coming through loud and clear with that annoying “La Da Dee Dee Da Da” intro.  My brain couldn’t even get to the lyrics; it was stuck on that particular part.  And the record was skipping.

August 4th … “Bad Romance”, Lady Gaga.   Again, does my brain actually know there are words in this song?  Apparently not.  I bolted straight out of bed humming “Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!
Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!”  Over and over and over and over and … wait for it … over and over and over.  I went to see Gaga in concert that night … makes perfect sense, right?

August 5th … “Bad Romance”, Lady Gaga.  Same song, different morning.  I’ll call it Gaga Afterglow.

August 6th …”Paparazzi”, Lady Gaga.  Seriously, brain?  Seriously?  Throw me a frickin’ bone here.  Come on!  I’ll settle for Journey at this point.

August 7th …”You Can Go Your Own Way”, Fleetwood Mac.  I had a conversation earlier that day about recent concerts.  Seems my brain finally clicked off Gaga and clicked on Fleetwood Mac, the last concert I saw.  Stevie Nicks looked great.  Lindsay Buckingham is still creepy.

agirlintroubleAugust 8th … “A Girl In Trouble (Is A Temporary Thing)”, Romeo Void.  When my brain gets a good night sleep, it defaults to this song.  It’s one of my all-time favorite tunes.  Yes, I’m a product of the ‘80’s.

This morning I woke up to “Mambo #5” by Lou Bega.  It’s still there.  God only knows how long it will be there.  Random, yes.  Inexplicable, yes.  Infectious, yes.

My only hope is to start singing it at work until someone else gets it in their head.  Then, and only then, will I be free.

One thought on “Headstrong Head Songs

  1. M2, I have the exact same affliction only I usually wake up in the middle of the night with the ‘song o’the day’ & then continually wake up at 45 minute intervals & it’s STILL THERE! Sadly, the song usually lasts for several days, at least you get a different one every day. (Most notable long lasting was Cher’s ‘Jesse James’). Could it be because I drove to Des Moines & belted it out along with her the majority of the way. I used to love her & saw her in concert a few times. Now however, I would probably kill her with my bare hands if we ever met in a dark alley.
    P.S. & by the way, we BOTH know what happened in the Ozarks. You were just jealous that I bonded with your ‘Du Jour’. That’s right, I said it, I meant it, I stole yo’ mama’s credit.

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