In the Boro …

After traipsing around KY for a few days, I landed smack dab in Owensboro.   City of intrigue.  Land of mystery.

Okay, not really.

It’s actually a city nestled right on the Indiana border … an area called Kentuckyana.  Not to be confused, of course, with Michiana.  It’s a river city that’s rich in history … some good, some bad.  It’s the site of the last public hanging in the United States … circa 1936.

Kansas City would be appalled if they knew Owensboro’s nickname was “BBQ Capitol of the World”.   Apparently, they’ve got some world-renowned BBQ festival that put them on the map.  What they don’t know is that Kansas City has BBQ joints on every street corner — with hundreds of BBQ festivals every year.

I put a lot of things on my bucket list … things I want to do before I, you know, kick the bucket.  Going to Owensboro was not on that list, however.  But now I can cross it off, regardless.  It’s doubtful I ever make another pilgrimage down yonder, but it was nice enough place to visit.

And, no, we did not eat BBQ while we were there … it seemed sacrilegious.