International Man of Mystery

globe2Last week, got hits from Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia, India and Dubai.  I don’t know anyone in those countries … uh, that I know of.  Ahhh, the power of the World Wide Web.  I also have a daily hit from someone at Peterson Manufacturing in Grandview, Missouri.  I’m not sure who that is either … but they are my biggest fan/stalker.  They’ve perused my website more times than anyone else.  Shout out! 

bwg-lauperGoogle and Bing both seem to like me.  I’m WAY more popular than Michael Mackie, the hockey player and Michael Mackie, a chef in Portland.  For some unbeknownst reason, my picture with Cyndi Lauper is one of my most-clicked links on my website.  Out of the 8 billion photos of her online, my picture with her is #70-ish when you search Bing.  (And continues to inch its way up.)

The mountain states, however, do not like  I have yet to get a hit from anyone in Montana.  Same goes for North and South Dakota, come to think of it.  Whatever I did to offend those states remains a mystery to me.  Perhaps I should have a book tour or something.  Or learn how to raise cattle.  Or blog about sheep herding.

 My best friend Deirdre owns the right to her namesake’s website, but has yet to do anything with it.  Good thing she bought it though … there are several other Deirdre’s chomping at the bit for her web addy.

I do enjoy my website immensely.  It’s replaced the need to reach out to any other human being to let them know what I’ve been doing.  I can simply say, “Mom, I swear if you ask me ‘What’s new?” one more time, I’m gonna lose it.  Can you not just read like the rest of the universe?  Sheesh!”