“The Jerry Springer Show” airs three times a day in Kansas City, don’t ask me why.  It’s probably a good thing, though.  I’ll guarantee every single one of the TV commercials I have produced over the years has likely aired in Jerry’s show.  The ads are for vocational schools or trade schools, and they are usually geared toward the non-traditional student down on his/her luck.  

Jerry Springer is the patron saint of our industry.  If you’re someone who’s down and/or out and/or gainfully unemployed, chances are you watch Jerry Springer.  Me thinks it’s because people watch Springer to be entertained.  It’s an escape from the monotony of life.  If you’re looking for (or can relate to) someone particularly downtrodden or pathetic, they’ll likely be featured on Jerry’s show. 

I’ll admit I’ll watch trashy tabloid talk shows from time to time.  It’s just a weird voyeuristic way to invade someone’s life.  And while I couldn’t care LESS who the babydaddy is, I do like to watch the inane banter between guests.

jerryOver the weekend, lo and behold, I found myself standing alongside Jerry Springer outside a casino in Vegas.  Part of me wanted to run up and gleefully tell him that he gives me job security, but figured that would take too long to explain.  So I chatted him up about Vegas and hosting multiple shows andsoforthandsoon.  I’m glad I saw him first because 30 seconds after that he was MOBBED by his legions of fans.  Vegas is RIFE with humanity.  Once they found out the leader of their free world was around … they wanted to be near him. 

At the height of Jerry’s popularity in the late ‘90’s and early 00’s, he could beat Oprah’s show in ratings.  (I’ve met Oprah too.  She’s not NEARLY as down to earth as you’d think, but she’s got everyone fooled.  She’s brainwashed America in to thinking she could be their neighbor.  Or Aunt.)   Jerry is about as real as they come.  He’s one part-host, one part stand up comedian, one part therapist and one part troublemaker. 

Now who does that remind you of?  It was like looking in a mirror.