M2’s Travel Tips – Part I

Over the last few months, I have become the proverbial road warrior in my new job. You know it’s bad when Marriott’s president sends you one of those “good-lord-you-practically-reside-in-our-hotels-and-thanks-for-that” e-mails.

When it comes to traveling, there are several life hacks that I like to use that prove invaluable. Here’s my not-so comprehensive list:

*Never travel with anyone who has to check luggage. There is no reason they can’t pack effectively and efficiently.  I could fit three-months worth of stuff into my carry on and still have room left over. And if these alleged friends balk about their toiletries, dump them immediately.  Nothing is worse than having to wait in baggage claim for a bag filled with copious amounts of hair gel that may or may not eventually arrive.

* Be nice. Play nice. You would not believe the upgrades and swag that I’ve gotten simply by being polite to the gate agent/front desk clerk/concierge/Uber-driver. People in the hospitality industry are usually helpful to a fault and the last thing they want is you up in their grill complaining about something insignificant. Unless you find a human finger in your Cobb salad — shut your yapper.

*Sign up for every single frequent flier or hotel reward program out there. Keep tabs on ‘em. Look for promotions that will up your ante. And don’t be shy about asking for elite privileges, hell, you’ve earned it. I can’t remember the last time I actually paid for a flight or hotel room. Points are your friend.

*Keep one little bag handy at all times and make sure it’s stocked with things you can’t live without.  For instance, my survival kit has lip balm, dental floss, peppermint gum, various green tea bags and one Zithromax Z-Pak (because there is NOTHING worse than coming down with something in a random city).

*It’s unfortunate, but I’ve put on a whopping 18lbs on the road. Why? Because every day is a virtual endless buffet of food and drink. I’ve since learned to stick with my at-home menu plan and will only indulge one meal per trip. (And, for me, that usually means sushi.) Mindless calories add up fast … and will appear on your waistline even faster.

*Pre-program every airline’s customer service number you might ever need into your phone. The nano-second you get delayed or in a jam … you can simply press CALL to start remedying the situation. You’re already light years ahead of all the other losers in the same boat as you.

*Pack an extra pair of socks and underwear … no matter what.  Your mom was right.

*Expect the unexpected.  Worst-case scenario — you’ll end up trapped in the Billings, Montana airport overnight because of a stampede of wild buffalo. At least you’ll have clean undies and green tea to sooth your savage soul.  Once, my friend Vasavi spent the night in the Newark airport because she was busy working near her gate and didn’t hear them call her flight. My friend Vasavi is an idiot.

In tomorrow’s blog, we’ll hear from a delightful travel blogger who has even more unique insight for folks on the go. More tips and techniques to keep you on the move. Stay tuned … and please, for the love of God, please put your tray tables up!

One thought on “M2’s Travel Tips – Part I

  1. I’ve got some good ones for you, too. Number one: Don’t fly United, if there’s a Delta or Southwest (or American, even!) flight available. 🙂

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