… happens to be the single most important day of the year. It’s my birthday, a day I share with Elton John, Aretha Franklin and Sarah Jessica Parker. (How’s THAT for good company?) I’m a notorious Aries. I had my astrological chart done a million years ago, and the astrologist said, “You’re a CLASSIC Aries with a Pisces rising. You’ve got all the worst qualities of both signs.” She made vanity, narcissism and a short attention span sound like bad things. What does she know anyway?
I now take my astrological chart a little more seriously. Everything I found out about Aries is wildly accurate. Apparently, when you’re an Aries you are wildly loyal, but only to a small handful of people. (150% accurate!) Everyone else can basically suck it. (200% accurate!)
Aries don’t have much deep emotional depth, but can express much of their energies through relationships with friends. (Ding!) Get this … people born on March 25th often flout conventional wisdom about health and fitness. They pride themselves on being able to get by with little sleep. They lead an active dream life and funnel their problems and stresses through dreaming. (It’s true … I function on little sleep and am rarely stressed or worried. Who knew? Besides … stress causes wrinkles.)
But wait! There’s MORE!
People born on March 25th have a strong desire to be famous. Since fame is not always possible, many of these individuals are satisfied with being widely known within a circle of colleagues. (Uh, hello. Story of my life!)
And, according to my chart, there are few goals that March 25 people cannot achieve. Goals take on the weight of a quest, and dreams become vivid and dramatic. They inspire others by the grandeur of their hopes and dreams. (Well, I’ll be damned. I achieved all my goals by age 30. It’s all been downhill from there.)
So, for those of you who don’t believe in astrology, lemme tell you, I’m a believer. My chart could not be more applicable. And apparently, I only play well with certain folks. (Hello, Leos & Libras & Geminis!) The rest of you I can tolerate, but on a limited basis. Which explains a lot.
Ah Michael what a shame you only play well with Leos, Libras, and Geminis because
you might have been able to get this “Pisces rising” on the last evening in October.
Gemini! Woo Hoo!