I know this is hard to believe … but, growing up, I was a bit of a comic book nerd. Blame Jimmy Spears. He’s the one who got me hooked on DC Comics as a small child. Well, that and I never missed a Saturday morning episode of “Super Friends”. In my youth, I had multiple subscriptions to multiple DC comics. I would literally stalk the mailman to see if the new edition of “Justice League of America” or “Green Lantern” was in his bag.
I was only partial to a few certain superheroes, mind you. I found most of them boring and trite. Aquaman … lame. Hawkgirl … overrated. Atom … insipid. Of course, I was always partial to the “Big 3” … Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. If you liked DC, it was mandatory to like these characters. They are universally loved – probably because the three of them continue to kick it old school, yo.
But once I discovered Black Canary … I was in love. Here was a chick who possessed all the cool abilities I wanted to have. She was a martial arts expert. (JUDO CHOP!) She was unstoppable on a motorcycle. And she had this ear-piercing shriek called the “Canary Cry”. (In geek-speak: the canary cry is a high-pitched, sonic scream which Canary deployed to shatter objects and incapacitate her opponents. She can reach ultrasonic frequencies outside the audible spectrum which render human beings unconscious. Got it?)
In the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s, Canary could do no wrong. She was about as high-profile as Wonder Woman … and didn’t bring any of that stupid Amazonian baggage. She was forever dating the hunky Green Arrow. And when she wasn’t battling bad guys, she owned and operated a flower shop. When I grew up, I was determined to be Black Canary. Plus, we were both blondes – although, caveat, Canary wore a wig.
Right about puberty, I totally lost interest in comics. Come to think of it, at age 14, I lost interest in pretty much every thing. I recently saw that Canary’s character was revived on the CW’s “Smallville.” And while I had absolutely no desire to watch it, it’s nice to see her getting work.
I still have all my comics tucked away in protective plastic wrappers in my parent’s attic. About 90% of them feature Black Canary. And one of these days I’m going to take a trip down memory lane. But until then I’m just going to have to live with my youth-obsessed crush on Black Canary and her kick-ass moves.