Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Dana Wright …

10) Her laugh—which is really more of piercing, lovable cackle. It’s unforgettable and uncontainable. I will often HEAR Dana’s laugh somewhere long before I actually SEE her. I’m drawn to it—like Mormons are drawn to Marie Osmond (who, I kid you not, has a similar braying chortle.) Even better is when Dana laughs at my stories, which she does out of kindness and not because I pay her. Uh, anymore.

9) Remember when Lou Grant said, “You’ve got spunk! I HATE spunk!” to one Ms. Mary Richards? Well, Dana doesn’t just have spunk—she’s plucky. And determined. I think we should nominate her for Congress, or, at a minimum, “The X Factor.” I never met anyone so undaunted by anything. We should all go through life hurdling obstacles without trepidation or whining.

8) There was a scene in “Broadcast News” where Albert Brooks tells Holly Hunter, “I’ll meet you at that one place we went to that one time,” and she knew exactly what he meant. Dana and I have reenacted that scene countless times in countless different scenarios. Because she’s my kindred spirit, she can read my mind. I think she’s psychic, but not in a creepy-Long-Island-Medium-sort-of-way.

7) Her rack. There, I said it. You were thinking it, but I actually went there. Gold star for me.

6) She’s one helluva investigative reporter. For someone who’s small, bubbly and personable, I’m always amazed when she turns—on a dime—into a rabid hyena or a deranged pit viper in order to undo injustice. Lance Armstrong would have admitted doping four years ago if she could have got him in the same room with her. And woe is the person that tries to pull one over on her or do someone wrong.

5) Besides being a devoted mother to what seems like 28 children, she’s the single most loyal person I know. In this day and age, there’s something to be said for that. That, and her rack.

4) She’s perpetually late. Actually, that really annoys the living crap out of me, but over the years, it’s become one of her more endearing qualities. I’ve just learned to manage—telling her that the movie/concert/dinner party/orgy starts promptly at 6:45 p.m. when it really starts at 7:30 p.m. She’ll get there at 8. Easy peasy.

3) She appreciates good wine. Or any sort of alcohol placed forth in front of her. But when I decided to go off the hooch for a month, she joined me in solidarity. (And while she probably lasted about 14.5 seconds, it was still the thought that counts.)

2) Tina’s tuna balls. You’re gonna have to ask her about this one. She may tell you, but I hope to God she won’t.

And the #1 thing I like about Dana Wright is that she’s the one person I can call when I get weird. You know, weird-weird. Like talked-off-a-ledge-weird. Mind you, it will probably take her a few days to call you back and by that time you’re over it, but when she does, she usually has high quality, unbiased insight.

So there — in a nutshell — is why I love KMBZ’s Dana Wright. I’ve often wanted to take her home to meet my folks — where she would simultaneously charm and enrage them. She does that with a lot of people. And that is why she’s my bestie. Love you, girlfriend.


One thought on “Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Dana Wright …

  1. This just made me laugh out loud! Mainly because I’m getting to know this little firecracker who works just down the hall from me. God help me when the day comes that I find us in the same Happy Hour setting. Laughs to be had. Great work Michael! Air Hugs from here! Nyck

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