Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Zombies

The newly released “World War Z” trailer came out last week and I proceeded to watch it about 30x in a row.  Brad Pitt in the midst of a zombie apocalypse?  Yes, please.  I think I’ve reached some new level of Zen.

It got me to thinking that I might have a morbid fascination with said genre.  Here’s my Top 10 ode to all things undead …

10) I’m not even the slightest bit worried about a vampire attack.  But an outbreak of the dead coming back to life? This sh*t could happen! And even though I’m woefully unprepared in the event of a zombie overthrow, it’s nice to think I’d survive for a little while at least. (10-15 minutes … tops.)

9) Slow-moving zombies are so 1965. Ever since they got sped up, they got a lot scarier. One minute you’re minding your own business … and the next a high-speed zombie runs by and eats your face off.  Now that’s a bad day.

8) I’ve seen most every “Resident Evil” film with my friend Gene Gene the Former Marine.  He reluctantly lets me clamp my hand down on his massive bicep during the scary parts of the film.  And the previews.  And the opening credits.  And the stupid parts with just dialogue. And … oh, you get the idea.

7) “28 Days Later” is the single most frightening movie I’ve ever seen — even though it technically doesn’t feature zombies, per se.  It’s the only movie that I ended up curled up on the sticky, popcorn-riddled floor watching the movie from between the seats.  (Uh, Gene wasn’t available for that one.)

6) You can’t escape a zombie outbreak. It’s virtually impossible. It’s kinda like trying to avoid Dane Cook. You can try all you want … but he’ll eventually appear.  And it’s terrifying.

5) I’ve never played a video game featuring zombies. I have a very addictive personality and would never subsequently leave the house.  Ever.

4) Just when you think you’re safe … you’re really not. There’s always another hoard out there somewhere ready to rip you to shreds. The only sure things in life are death, taxes and more undead.  And even though death is a sure thing, it’s really not either.

3) Yes, I own “The Zombie Survival Guide”.  Do you?  Most enlightening fact … zombies are attracted to sound … so keep it down, dumbass.

2) While “Shaun of the Dead” is brilliant, I don’t like to mix up my horror and comedy genres. I want zombie films to scare the living beejesus out of me. It usually happens at least once.  Although I did find this “Suburban Zombie” digital short wholly amusing.

And the #1 reason why I love zombies?  Because my 80-year old mom can’t get enough of “The Walking Dead”.  We dissect each episode after it’s over.  (Pun intended.) Who knew my mom had a thing for the living dead? It’s true what they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.